La meditazion orientade a la mindfulness (MOM) inte ricercje mediche e psicologjiche [Mindfulness-Oriented Meditation (MOM) in medical and psychological research]
Gjornâl Furlan des Siencis, 2015
Il destin de lenghe [The destiny of the language]
Patrie dal Friûl, 02/02/2004
Intes mans dai pensionâts [In the hands of the retired]
Patrie dal Friûl, 05/05/2001
Brau, Fari [Well done, Smith]
di Federico Tavan, Patrie dal Friûl, 04/04/2001
Normalizà le scriture par normalizà il spirt furlan? [Normalizing the writing in order to normalize the Friulian spirit?]
La panarie, 1998
Cais e foncs ti rituâi religjôs da prins cristians di Aquilee [Snails & Mushrooms in Religious Rituals of Early Cristians at Aquileia]
La comugne, 1997
Fevelâ pui di une lenghe [Speaking more than a language]